In the year 2020 a terrible disease emerged in the World. It caused many changes in the way we live. For a group of people it meant Isolation. “The Unconfected” began as a way for those people to express themselves during a time when it was harder to be doing things that we had accepted as normal. Once it was normal to go and sing and play with others in groups and in public venues. It was once normal to leave our homes and move freely about in the surroundings. Some common resources became scarce and hard to find. The World had changed. During that time we realised that as a people, we were essentially privileged. We became aware of this because these inconveniences were minor compared with the experiences of many other persons throughout the World. We had all the things that we needed to survive – Food, Shelter and resources. We had voices, instruments, and we had the capacity to play music. To pass the time in our privileged place, we began to play music and record our performances on a backyard patio. We shared our music with the outer World through “Social Media”. Initially we played some “cover versions” of well known music. We reached a point where our experiences in isolation had affected our views about many things. We had always cared about people and the World but now we were experiencing an intensified feeling that the World needed to change. At the time, some discussion began about the way people do things and our priorities and values. For many there was a sense that the consumer-driven activities that we previously participated in, were troubling, and problematic. Many people around the World began working at home and many people reflected on the nature of their work. It was as if we all suddenly woke from a strange and unsatisfying dream. This new understanding and awareness was enlightening. The members of The Unconfected decided to work on creating some new and satisfying dreams in our music and videos. In the past, the joy of the “Human condition” has grown from the wealth of Stories, Songs and Artistic expression over Millennia. People told stories and sang songs with each other long before the current era. People created cultures and used stories and songs to survive through many different and difficult times. During these times, when we are able, we aim to contribute to that “Human” joy through our simple expression. When you listen to our music, you travel with us on the journey we are taking. We hope you enjoy the ride. We hope that you are able to find some peace and joy where ever you may be.

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